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探索 micro:bit 更多功能!

從跳舞機器人到香蕉鍵盤,micro:bit 擁有很多功能,你可以用這些寫出極棒的東西 - 無限可能!

A diagram of the BBC micro:bit


micro:bit 提供了這些硬體功能:



The micro:bit LEDs

這是什麼? LED為發光二極體。micro:bit 有25個可程式化 LED,可供你作為顯示文字、數字及圖示。

How do I code it? Learn more about coding the LEDs, or use the code references below.

Python MakeCode

範例 - 參考使用JavaScript 會動的閃爍愛心 或學習如何使用Python做出 動畫效果!


The micro:bit buttons

這是什麼? micro:bit 前板有兩個按鈕(被標記為A和B)。可以用來偵測當這些按鈕被按下時,觸發你所寫的事件。

如何使用? 請參考下面的範例程式。

Python MakeCode

範例 - 看一下這個 微笑按鈕 專案,或比較進階點的 投票機 專案,兩者都是透過JavaScript來控制按鈕。


The micro:bit pins

這是什麼? micro:bit 板子邊緣有25個連接點作為外部接腳用。 可以透過這些接腳來控制馬達、LED等其他電子元件,或者額外的感測器!

How do I code it? Learn more about the hardware of the pins, or use the code references below.

Python MakeCode

範例 - 使用JavaScript編寫程式碼 香蕉鍵盤入侵你的耳機,創建一個 牛奶盒卡通機器人! 或者,看一下這個 發怒的 micro:bit Python專案!


The micro:bit LED screen, acting as a light sensor.

這是什麼? 以LED作為基本的光感測器,可讓LED偵測環境光線。

如何使用? 請參考下面的範例程式。

Python MakeCode

範例 - 學習如何透過 JavaScript 繪製 LED 長條圖


The micro:bit temperature sensor

What is it? This sensor allows the micro:bit to detect the current temperature of the device, in degrees and Celsius.

如何使用? 請參考下面的範例程式。

Python MakeCode

Examples - discover how the temperature sensor works.


The micro:bit accelerometer


如何使用? 請參考下面的範例程式。

Python MakeCode

範例 - 用JavaScript實做剪刀、石頭、布,當micro:bit被搖動時觸發遊戲。 或者,用Pyhton創造音樂紛亂!


The micro:bit compass

What is it? The compass detects the earth's magnetic field, allowing you to detect which direction the micro:bit is facing. The compass has to be calibrated before it can be used.

'Calibrating' the compass ensures the compass results are accurate. 在 MakeCode 編輯器上可使用電子羅盤校準積木。 To calibrate the compass in Python use compass.calibrate().

When the calibration begins, the micro:bit will scroll the instruction "Tilt to fill screen". To calibrate the compass, tilt the micro:bit to move the dot in the centre of the screen around until you have filled up the whole screen.

How do I code it? Use the code references below.

Python MakeCode

範例 - JavaScriptPython 寫個電子指北針。


The micro:bit radio antenna

What is it? The radio feature allows you to communicate wirelessly between micro:bits. Use the radio to send messages to other micro:bits, build multiplayer games, and much more!

How do I code it? Discover how to code the radio:

Python MakeCode

範例 - 創作多玩家猜拳遊戲,或是用 JavaScriptPython 做個有趣的的電子螢火蟲!


The micro:bit bluetooth antenna

這是什麼? BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) allows the micro:bit to control phones and tablets over Bluetooth. This communication works both ways, so you can also send code to your micro:bit wirelessly from your phone using one of our apps. Other apps, such as Swift Playgrounds and Scratch, use Bluetooth to talk to the micro:bit.

Before using the Bluetooth feature you will need to pair your micro:bit with another device. Once paired, you can send programs wirelessly to your micro:bit. When you're using Radio, Bluetooth can still be used to update the code on your micro:bit, if you enter pairing mode - learn about the differences between radio and bluetooth in this support article.


The Python Editor doesn't currently support bluetooth.

What can I do with it? Send code to your micro:bit wirelessly.

USB Interface

這是什麼? The USB interface allows you to connect the micro:bit to your computer via a micro-USB cable, which will power the device and allow you to download programs onto the micro:bit.

Technical Info

Please refer to the hardware page to discover more about the micro:bit's technical and compliance info.


Take a look at the apps page to learn more about coding the micro:bit from a mobile device.

Selecting this opens external content from our support system, which adheres to their privacy policy.